Foreign Jobs

List of Recruitment Agencies in Eritrea for Foreigners and Citizens 2024

Looking for a company that hires expats in Eritrea? The country of Eritrea is in the Horn of Africa. North Sudan is to the west, South Ethiopia is to the south, and Southeast Djibouti is to the southeast. Tigrigna is the national language, and Asmara is the capital and biggest city. After a long and terrible war, Eritrea got its freedom from Ethiopia in 1993. About 6 million people are living in the country. Eritrea’s economy is mostly based on farming and mining, and the country has an authoritarian, one-party government.

Several foreign staffing firms can help you find work in Eritrea. Different groups may specialize in different areas, like oil and gas or construction, while others may list jobs from a wider range of businesses. Some companies that do business in Eritrea also have departments inside their companies that are in charge of hiring people.

This page will talk about many things, such as Eritrean recruitment agencies for both residents and non-residents, where to find one in Eritrea, the pros and cons of using one, an overview of the business of the country, and a lot more.

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Recruitment Agencies in Eritrea for foreigners and citizens

  • Adexen Recruitment Agency
  • Expertise Recruitment
  • Approach People Recruitment
  • Recruit For Africa
  • MBR Recruitment
  • Agency Central Ltd.
  • Pearl Recruitment Group
  • Blue Lynx Employment BV
  • Africawork
  • FMR Agency

Benefits of Eritrean Recruitment Agencies:

Hiring agencies in Eritrea could be helpful for both employers and job hunters. Firms can save time and money by letting the agency screen and choose candidates initially. This way, they can access a larger group of job seekers. The firm can also help with the paperwork needed to hire people and with negotiating salaries.

Finding a job can be easier with the help of a recruiting company. These firms can also help people get jobs that might not be posted elsewhere. Agencies can also help people looking for work prepare for interviews and make resumes.

To sum up, recruitment firms are good at finding qualified applicants and job openings, which is good for both hiring managers and people looking for work.

Where in Eritrea can I find a recruitment agency?

People who hire people can be found in Eritrea’s big cities like Asmara and other towns.

In real life, they might have an office in the city, or they might be online with a website or social media pages.

You can also look for them online by typing in words like “recruitment agency Eritrea” or “employment agency Eritrea,” or you can ask people you know for help.

It is important to keep in mind that Eritrea’s job market is not as developed as some others, which makes it hard to find many companies, but there are some.

Working in Eritrea

Professionals with big goals are moving to Africa to take advantage of the huge economic growth the area is currently having. Eritrea in particular has made a lot of progress and has a lot of good job options for young people.

Economic overview of Eritrea:

Eritrea’s economy took a big hit during the Eritrean-Ethiopian War, but it is now getting better. In 2011, it had one of the world’s fastest-growing economies. The GDP grew by 2.1% from 2014 to 2015, even though growth has recently slowed.

A lot of money from other countries has been put into gold-digging, which is one of the main jobs in the country. It has a lot of important natural resources, like copper, granite, and marble. These resources have brought in investment from places like the US, Australia, Canada, and France.

This country’s main products are food, livestock, and textiles, which are mostly sent to China, Egypt, the UK, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan.

What is Eritreaā€™s main occupation?

About 80% of the people who live and work in Eritrea are farmers. The other 20% work in business and services.

How much does one make in Eritrea?

Eritrea does not have a national minimum wage. However, the minimum pay for the public sector is 360 Eritrean nakfa ($24) per month.

Eritreaā€™s Work Permits:

You need either a business visa or a job visa if you plan to stay in Eritrea and work. First, you need to get a work permit from the Eritrean Ministry of Labor and Human Welfare (MLHW) before you can get a job visa. You need to be able to show a passport that is still valid for at least another year, and your employer needs to show the MLHW proof of your education and work background.


Find job opportunities in Eritrea through recruitment companies that work with both locals and foreigners. The advantages of using Eritrean employment agencies are explained on this page, along with a list of agencies and details about the country’s economy. To make an educated choice about working in Eritrea, learn about how to get a work permit, the minimum wage, and the most important industries.

  1. Where can I find recruitment agencies in Eritrea?

    A lot of recruitment agencies are in big towns, like Asmara. They might have real buildings or be present online through social media and websites. Searching online for things like “recruitment agency Eritrea” can also be useful.

  2. What is the economic overview of Eritrea?

    Eritrea’s economy has been hurt by past wars, but it is getting better, thanks to gold mining and natural resources like copper, granite, and marble. Food, livestock, and textiles are some of the most important things that are shipped to China, Egypt, the UK, Italy, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan.

  3. What are the main jobs in Eritrea?

    About 80% of the population in Eritrea works in agriculture, with the remaining 20% employed in industry and services.

Olivia Robe

Olivia Robe is a seasoned expert in the field of career development, always ready to provide her invaluable expertise to newcomers and students alike. With a master's degree in career counseling, Olivia has honed her skills and knowledge to guide individuals towards a path of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. Her dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of career choices makes her a trusted resource in the realm of career making.

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