Visa Sponsorship Jobs

Cleaning Jobs in Luxembourg for Foreigners 2024

Cleaning jobs in Luxembourg are a good option for outsiders who want to work in the country. Luxembourg is a wealthy country in Europe with a strong economy. As a result, there is a growing need for many services, such as cleaning and upkeep. If a foreigner wants to work as a cleaner, they can find jobs in residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Most of the time, these jobs pay well and let you set your own hours.

Also, Luxembourg’s multilingual setting makes it easy for people from a wide range of language backgrounds to get around. In Luxembourg, the cleaning industry is very important for keeping the country’s reputation for cleanliness and safety. This makes it a good choice for people looking for stable work in a busy European hub.

Understanding the Cleaning Industry in Luxembourg

The service business in Luxembourg is doing very well, and people are always looking for cleaning services. Cleaning workers are always needed to keep homes and businesses clean and healthy.


  • Competitive Pay: Cleaning jobs in Luxembourg often pay well, which helps foreign workers keep their finances in order.
  • Stability and Job Security: People will always need cleaning services, which gives people who want stable work job security.
  • Different Work settings: Cleaning jobs in Luxembourg put foreigners in a wide range of work settings, from private homes to businesses.
  • Being exposed to different cultures: Cleaning with locals is a great way to become immersed in Luxembourg’s rich culture and language.
  • Health and Safety Standards: Luxembourg puts a lot of importance on worker safety, making sure that cleaners work in places that care about their health.
  • Work-Life Balance: Many cleaning jobs have flexible hours that let you manage your time well and give you the chance to see the country.
  • Opportunities for Training: Employers may offer training to help workers improve their skills, which can help them advance in the cleaning business.
  • Residential Perks: Some cleaning jobs may come with housing perks, which can make moving to Luxembourg easier for people from other countries.


  • Maintaining Cleanliness: The main duty is to make sure that the places given are kept clean and organized according to the rules that have been set.
  • Effective Communication: It’s important to be able to talk to clients and coworkers clearly so that you can understand their cleaning needs and address any concerns.
  • Following the Rules: People who work as cleaners have to follow the rules and laws in their area about how to get rid of trash, use chemicals, and other safety issues.
  • Equipment Maintenance: Checking and fixing cleaning tools on a regular basis to make sure they work and are safe.
  • Time management means using your time well so that you can finish cleaning chores on time.
  • Problem-Solving: You need good problem-solving skills to deal with unexpected problems like stains that won’t come out or broken tools.
  • Customer service means being polite, professional, and aware of what customers want in order to give them great care.
  • Teamwork means working together with other people on the cleaning staff and in the office to make sure everything runs smoothly.

Types of Cleaning Jobs

In Luxembourg, cleaning jobs include a lot of different types, from cleaning homes to cleaning businesses and factories. Housekeepers, janitors, office cleaners, and people who clean specifically for healthcare or leisure are all common jobs in this field.



  • Legal Eligibility to Work: According to immigration and work permit rules, people from other countries must be legally able to work in Luxembourg.
  • Language Skills: Being able to speak and understand basic French, German, or Luxembourgish is often necessary for good conversation at work.
  • Experience or Training: Some companies may look for people who have cleaned before, or they may offer training to make sure the job is done right.
  • Fitness Level: Cleaning jobs may require hard work, so people who want to apply should be in good shape to do the work.
  • Attention to Detail: If you want to provide excellent cleaning services, you need to have a good eye for details.
  • Employers want to hire people who are reliable, so applicants should show that they are willing to regularly do their job duties.
  • Flexibility: Being willing to work different hours or take on different tasks makes you a better candidate for cleaning jobs.
  • Accept Diversity: Because Luxembourg is a multicultural place, it is very important to accept and value diversity at work.

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Job Market Overview

Luxembourg has a strong economy that is driven by banking, technology, and services, and a wide range of jobs. As the economy has grown, so has the need for cleaning services. This has created a steady need for skilled and motivated people to work in the cleaning business.

Job Search Platforms and Agencies

Foreigners can look for cleaning jobs on a number of job search websites and through recruitment companies. Sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Monster, which are very popular online, often list cleaning jobs. Also, getting in touch with area cleaning service companies can help you find work directly.

How to Apply

More Info


Cleaning jobs in Luxembourg are good options for foreigners who want to work in a safe and prosperous European country. Foreigners can look for and get satisfying jobs in the cleaning industry by knowing what is needed, using smart job search techniques, and highlighting related skills and experience.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the benefits of working in the cleaning industry in Luxembourg?

    Cleaning jobs in Luxembourg offer good pay, job security, a variety of work environments, the chance to learn about other countries, health and safety rules to follow, flexible hours, training opportunities, perks for living in the country, and a good work-life balance.

  2. What are the responsibilities of a cleaner in Luxembourg?

    Cleaners in Luxembourg are responsible for maintaining cleanliness, effective communication with clients and coworkers, following rules and regulations, maintaining cleaning equipment, managing time efficiently, problem-solving, providing excellent customer service, and working collaboratively as a team.

Olivia Robe

Olivia Robe is a seasoned expert in the field of career development, always ready to provide her invaluable expertise to newcomers and students alike. With a master's degree in career counseling, Olivia has honed her skills and knowledge to guide individuals towards a path of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. Her dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of career choices makes her a trusted resource in the realm of career making.

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