Foreign Jobs

Finding Abroad Jobs Without Agent Fees 2024 – How To Get

Finding a job in another country provides skilled and qualified job seekers with a range of benefits, including high salaries, improved life quality, employment security, immigration for dependent family members, and even citizenship, and all of this can be done without paying any consultation fees or fees to a recruitment agent.

In this article, you will find information on how to locate and verify jobs overseas without paying agent fees, how to file for work visas, work permits, and residency permits, and how you and your family would be able to move and settle in that country.

1) Choose a Country for your Next Employment

According to my research on the average monthly income in popular countries, I found that all of those countries offer different salary packages for the same jobs. If you are looking for a job, I suggest you do some research to find out which country will pay the most for your type of job.

2) Search and Verify International job openings

Your first job would be to avoid job scams by researching and verifying international jobs. For this reason, I would suggest that you look for international jobs on the official websites of multinational companies or on government websites, and then send your resume or CV directly to their HR websites. This is a proven way to avoid job scams, and I have to tell you that neither companies nor the government will ask job applicants for any kind of payment (citation: Novoresume).


Once you find a job that’s right for you, the next step is to make sure you’re eligible and have all the documents you need to apply. Then you’ll send in your application, and if you’re called in for an interview and given the job, you’ll have to apply for a work visa or work permit so you can travel to that country to start your new job.

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3) Apply for Job Seekers VISA Abroad

Getting a job seeker’s visa from another country is another way to start a career abroad, but this time you won’t have to look for a job before you apply for a work visa. But if you use this method, you’ll look for countries that will let you in as a “job seeker” to look for work in their local markets. If you find a job in one of these countries, you’ll have to change your “job seeker” visa into a “work permit” or “work visa” before you can start working.

4) Reshape Your Resume and Apply for Selected Jobs

Now, this is a very important step, and I’ve seen many job seekers mess up on it, causing their applications to be turned down. That’s why I want you to be very careful with this step. I know you may already have a standard resume or CV, but did you know that everyone has one like yours? This means that when the HR department of a company looks at all the standard-looking resumes, they won’t pay much attention to them because they’re all pretty much the same.

So now I want you to think about what you can do to stand out to those HR managers. The answer is simple: change your standard resume into an amazing CV or resume that fits the job requirements.

If you have something impressive on your resume or CV that catches an HR manager’s eye for the advertised job, your chances of getting a call for an interview will go up, and you’ll stand out from all the other job seekers.

5) Get Successful in Your Job Interview

I know it must have been hard to get to the point where you got a call for a job interview. Once you got the call, you probably felt a rush of happiness, but I want you to stay calm and collected because you still have to pass this job interview to get the job offer.

Now, if you want to do well in your job interview, I have a suggestion: do your research on the company that is hiring you for that job.

6) Get a Work VISA to Start Your New Job in a New Country!

I don’t think many job seekers will get to this point because, to get a work visa for some countries, you need an active job offer in the form of an appointment letter, which you will then take to the embassy of that country to apply for a work visa. But make sure you know how much the work visa application fee is for that country, because you may have to pay it directly at the embassy.

Benefits of Finding Abroad Jobs Without Agent Fees

  • Expense Savings: The most obvious advantage is not having to pay fees or commissions to recruitment agencies or agents. This means that more of your earnings are retained.
  • Direct Interaction: When you apply for jobs directly with employers or via online job platforms, you communicate directly with prospective employers. This can help you comprehend the job requirements and negotiate terms directly with the employer.
  • Availability of information: You have increased visibility into the recruitment process, including the status of applications, interviewing, and contract negotiations. This transparency can help you make informed decisions about your career.
  • Job Search Management: You are in charge of your job quest. You can modify your application materials to specific job openings and target employers whose career goals and preferences align with your own.
  • Job Protection: When interacting with intermediaries, some job seekers may be concerned about the legitimacy of job offers. By applying directly to employers, you can verify the legitimacy of the job opening and reduce your risk of falling for fraudulent offers.
  • Improved Research: When searching for jobs abroad on your own, you can conduct extensive research on the company, location, expense of living, and other important factors. This can lead to more informed decisions regarding employment and residence.
  • Individual Branding: The ability to apply for jobs without agent fees enables you to develop and promote your personal brand. Directly highlighting your talents, experiences, and qualifications to potential employers can be particularly beneficial.
  • Flexibility: You are unrestricted by the options provided by a recruitment agency and have the freedom to explore a vast array of job opportunities and industries. This can create new career opportunities.
  • The value of networking: You may have the opportunity to develop valuable professional relationships and expand your network in your chosen field or industry by contacting employers directly.
  • Satisfaction at Work: Finding a job on your own and securing a position can be personally rewarding and increase your self-confidence and job satisfaction.

People Also Ask:

  1. How do I look for jobs abroad?

    Here are the steps to getting a job in another country:
    Figure out what kind of job you want.
    Choose the country you want to work in.
    Find a job that you’re interested in.
    Apply for a visa or work permit.
    Change up and localize your resume.
    Try to get the job.

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Olivia Robe

Olivia Robe is a seasoned expert in the field of career development, always ready to provide her invaluable expertise to newcomers and students alike. With a master's degree in career counseling, Olivia has honed her skills and knowledge to guide individuals towards a path of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. Her dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of career choices makes her a trusted resource in the realm of career making.

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