Foreign Jobs

Nursing Jobs in UK with Visa Sponsorship 2024 – How To Get

Discover the path to secure Nursing Jobs in the UK with Visa Sponsorship in 2024. Learn how to obtain your dream nursing career in the United Kingdom with our expert guidance

Nursing is always in demand, and the United Kingdom is no exception. Many healthcare organizations in the United Kingdom, including the National Health Service, sponsor visas for nurses from all over the globe. If you are an international nurse seeking employment in the United Kingdom, you have several options. Here is the pertinent information:


There has been a big rise in the number of people looking for nursing jobs in the UK that will support their visas in recent years. In 2024, the UK will still have a lot of job openings for foreign nurses who want to start a rewarding career. This piece will help you get nursing jobs in the UK that will sponsor your visa. It does this by giving you useful information and step-by-step instructions.

Why Pursue Nursing Jobs in the UK?

It’s important to know why getting a nursing job in the UK with visa support is a good idea before getting into the specifics of how to do it.


High Demand for Skilled Nurses

The hospital system in the UK is always in need of skilled workers, especially nurses. The need for their skills is still high, which makes it a great place for people who want to become nurses.

Competitive Salaries

The pay for nursing jobs in the UK is fair, so you will be rewarded for your hard work and dedication.

Information About Nursing Jobs in UK with Visa Sponsorship

1. Registering with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC)

In order to practice as a nurse in the United Kingdom, one must be enrolled with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC). The NMC is the regulatory body for nurses and midwives in the United Kingdom and maintains a register of qualified nurses and midwives eligible to work in the United Kingdom.

To register with the NMC, you must meet certain requirements, including possessing the required credentials and passing an English proficiency exam. On the NMC website, you can discover more information about the registration procedure.

2. Applying for nursing jobs in the UK

After registering with the NMC, you can begin searching for nursing jobs in the United Kingdom. If you do not already have the right to work in the United Kingdom, you must search for jobs that can sponsor a Skilled Work visa or a Health and Care visa.

UK Visa Jobs offers more than one hundred healthcare jobs, including nursing jobs with visa sponsorship.

When applying for nursing roles, it is important to emphasize your qualifications, experience, and language skills. Employers in the United Kingdom are frequently on the lookout for bilingual nurses, particularly those who can communicate in English and a local dialect.

3. Interviewing

If you satisfy the qualifications for the role you have applied for, you may begin receiving interview invitations after submitting your application. It is essential to remember that the majority of the time, you will be interviewed by a prospective employer. For instance, if you apply for a nursing position with the NHS, you will be interviewed and hired by the NHS trust you apply to.

An interview is a crucial step that determines whether a job offer will be extended. It is essential to take it seriously. If you have never attended a job interview in the United Kingdom, you may find our live interview workshop useful, in which we explain how to succeed at interviews.

4. Receiving job offers & visa sponsorship

If your job application is successful and you pass all interviews and meet the requirements, you will be offered a position, and you can begin the visa application process. After receiving a job offer, your employer will often assist with your visa application. For instance, if NHS offers you a position, they will assist you with your Health and Care Visa application and relocation to England.

If you are interested in working as a nurse in the United Kingdom, you can choose from a variety of visas, including the Skilled Worker visa, which is the most common visa for skilled workers, and the Health and Care visa, which is common for people who wish to work in the Healthcare sector.

Benefits of Nursing Jobs in UK with Visa Sponsorship

  1. High Demand for Skilled Nurses: There is always a need for trained healthcare workers in the UK, especially nurses. There are a lot of job possibilities because of the high demand, which makes it appealing to nurses from all over the world.
  2. Competitive Salaries: The pay for nursing jobs in the UK is competitive, so nurses are rewarded for their hard work and commitment. This level of financial security lets people live comfortably and save for the future.
  3. Career Growth Opportunities: The UK’s healthcare system offers many ways to move up in your job. Nurses can become experts in many areas, like pediatrics, oncology, or critical care. They can also become nurse practitioners or clinical nurse specialists, which are more advanced jobs.
  4. Quality of Life: People who live in the UK can enjoy a high standard of life with access to top-notch healthcare, education, and cultural activities. The country is known for having a diverse and friendly population, which can make it a good place for foreign nurses to work.
  5. Cultural Exposure: Nurses who work in the UK can learn about a different society and see how healthcare is done in a broader way. This is a chance to learn and grow in both your personal and work life.

Eligibility Criteria for Nursing Jobs in UK with Visa Sponsorship

  • Registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC): In the UK, you need to be registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council in order to work as a nurse. This means proving your credentials, showing that you can speak and write English well, and meeting other professional standards.
  • Job Offer from a UK Employer: you can begin your job search in the UK once you have registered with the NMC. You will need a job offer from a company in the UK that will pay for your visa. It has to be a job that is on the list of jobs that can lead to a Skilled Worker or Health and Care visa.
  • English Language Needed: You also need to meet the English language need. If you are not exempt (for example, if your degree was taught in English), you will generally have to pass an official English language test at the required level.
  • Skilled Worker Visa or Health and Care Visa: Nurses can come to the UK to work with either the Skilled Worker Visa or the Health and Care Visa. You must meet certain requirements in order to get these cards, such as having a job offer, making a certain amount of money, and other requirements.
  • Additional Requirements: Depending on your situation and the visa you’re asking for, you may have to show proof of your qualifications, provide a certificate of no criminal record, and go through a health check.

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Processing Time for Nursing Jobs in UK with Visa Sponsorship

Depending on the role and the number of required stages, the application process can last between three and twelve months. To be successful during this time, you must be patient and continue applying for employment.

How To Apply for Nursing Jobs in UK with Visa Sponsorship

Start applying for visa-sponsored nursing and healthcare employment today.

More Info


International nurses can look forward to a successful and satisfying career in the UK by taking on nursing jobs that sponsor visas. You can have a rewarding career in the UK healthcare system if you have the right skills, a supporter for your visa, and a lot of hard work.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How Do I Get Sponsorship in UK for Nursing?

    You must have a job offer from an approved UK employer before you apply for a Health and Care Worker visa. Approved employers are also known as sponsors because they are sponsoring you to come to or stay in the UK.

  2. Are Nursing Jobs in Demand in the UK?

    Nursing professionals are in high demand in the UK from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. Work is available based on your specialization, location, and preferences.

Olivia Robe

Olivia Robe is a seasoned expert in the field of career development, always ready to provide her invaluable expertise to newcomers and students alike. With a master's degree in career counseling, Olivia has honed her skills and knowledge to guide individuals towards a path of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. Her dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of career choices makes her a trusted resource in the realm of career making.

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