Visa Sponsorship Jobs

Fruit Packing Jobs in New Zealand 2024 – Visa Sponsorship

Are you ready for an exciting journey in one of the most beautiful and varied countries in the world? New Zealand is known for its beautiful scenery and thriving farming industry. It is now hiring hardworking people to join its fruit-packing teams. You can find fruit packing jobs in New Zealand in our job listings. These jobs also offer visa support. Get ready to seize the chances that New Zealand has to offer.

Read Also: Delivery Driver Jobs in New Zealand With Visa Sponsorship

Details of Fruit Packing Jobs in New Zealand:

  • Position: Fruit Packer
  • Location: Multiple regions and orchards across New Zealand
  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Experience Required: No
  • Knowledge Required: Not High
  • Age Limit: No
  • Visa Sponsorship: Yes
  • Salary: AUD 15/Hourly


People from all over the world are applying for fruit packing jobs in New Zealand because of the country’s thriving agriculture industry. This article goes into great detail about these changes, focusing on the very important part of sponsoring visas for foreign workers.

Opportunities in the Fruit Packing Industry:

New Zealand’s fruit-packing business is growing at a speed that has never been seen before, creating a wide range of job opportunities. There are a lot of different kinds of fruits in this field, from kiwis to apples and berries. Each type has its own packing needs.


Visa Sponsorship: A Gateway to New Zealand

If you want to work in New Zealand, you need to know how the visa funding process works. Visa sponsorship not only makes it easier for foreign workers to get legal jobs, but it also gives them access to many other benefits.

About the Role:

If you work as a Fruit Packer in New Zealand, you will be an important part of the country’s thriving farming business. As part of your job, you will sort, pack, and prepare different kinds of foods for distribution. This will help make New Zealand famous for its fresh and tasty food.


  • To find the best and ripest fruits, sort and grade them.
  • Put fruits carefully into boxes or tubs.
  • Label the fruit packages and get them ready to be sent out.
  • Follow the rules for safety and cleanliness.
  • Work with a broad group of professional fruit packers.

Requirements of Fruit Packing Jobs in New Zealand:

  • Valid Work Visa: People from other countries who want to work freely in New Zealand must have a valid work visa. Employers may support visas for qualified applicants, but it’s very important to make sure you have all the work permits and visas you need before you start the job.
  • Age Requirement: Most of the time, people who want to work packing fruit in New Zealand must be at least 18 years old. This makes sure that work laws and rules are followed.
  • Health and Safety Standards Those who want to work as fruit packers should be in good health and be able to do the hard tasks that come with the job, like lifting, sorting, and packing fruits. Potential employees may have to go through a medical test or show a medical certificate before they can be hired.
  • Experience: Having worked in agriculture or packed food before is helpful, but it may not always be necessary. For people who are new to the field, some companies may offer training on the job.
  • Skills with words and phrases: You may need to be able to speak and write English well enough to get by at work. It’s important to be able to talk to your bosses and coworkers and understand and follow along with their directions.
  • Legal Proof: Applicants must show legal forms of identification, like a passport or national ID card, along with any work permits or visas that are needed.
  • Commitment and Dependability: Employers want to hire people who are dedicated to their jobs, dependable, and eager to make a good contribution to the team. Being ready to learn and change and having a strong work ethic can help your chances of getting the job.
  • Work Authorization: Applicants must have the right to work in New Zealand for the length of the job. This means following the rules for their visas and any limits or conditions listed in their work permits.
  • Compliance with Workplace Rules: Job applicants should be ready to follow the employer’s rules for safety, processes, and policies at work. This means doing things like following directions, staying clean, and making sure the quality of the product is high.

Benefits of Fruit Packing Jobs in New Zealand:

  • Competitive Pay: Jobs in New Zealand that pack fruits and vegetables often pay well, giving workers a steady income to live on.
  • Seasonal Work: A lot of fruit packing jobs are seasonal, so workers can get experience and make money when harvest time is at its best.
  • Visa Sponsorship: If a job applicant is qualified, the company may pay for their visa. This makes it easier for people from other countries to officially work in New Zealand.
  • Chance to Travel: People who work as fruit packers can travel to different parts of New Zealand and experience its natural beauty and cultural variety.
  • Skills Development: Fruit packing jobs give workers the chance to improve their skills in areas like sorting, packing, and handling different kinds of fruits, which helps them do their jobs better.
  • Safe Working Environment: Employers put safety at work first and give fruit packers training and tools to make sure they have a safe place to work.
  • Teamwork and Collaboration: Fruit packing jobs often require workers to work together, which builds friendship and helps workers help each other.
  • Health Benefits: As part of the job, some employers may give health insurance or other medical benefits. This way, if you need medical care, you can get it.
  • Accommodation and Transportation: Depending on the company, workers may be given or arranged with options for housing and transportation, which makes the move to living and working in New Zealand easier.
  • Experience with the Culture: People who work as fruit packers can fully experience New Zealand’s rural culture by meeting locals and learning about how farms work.

How to Apply For Fruit Packing Jobs in New Zealand?

Should you be interested in this position, please visit the link provided below.

More Info


Fruit packing jobs in New Zealand that sponsor visas can lead to a satisfying career in a field that is always changing. These jobs are very appealing because they offer chances for personal and professional growth as well as the chance to help make practices more sustainable.

  1. What are fruit packing jobs in New Zealand?

    Sorting, grading, and putting different fruits like apples, kiwis, and berries are all part of fruit packing jobs. These jobs are usually seasonal and can be hard on the body.

  2. Can I apply for a work visa from outside New Zealand?

    You can get a work visa even if you are not in New Zealand. Usually, the process includes filling out the right forms, bringing the right paperwork, and meeting the visa requirements.

  3. Is packing a good job?

    Being a pick-packer is a great role, but it can get repetitive. You’ll spend a lot of hours on your feet, completing the same tasks for 8 hours straight. So, you’ll have to be okay with routine and also be okay with some heavy lifting and being on your feet all day.

Olivia Robe

Olivia Robe is a seasoned expert in the field of career development, always ready to provide her invaluable expertise to newcomers and students alike. With a master's degree in career counseling, Olivia has honed her skills and knowledge to guide individuals towards a path of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. Her dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of career choices makes her a trusted resource in the realm of career making.

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