Visa Guide

Hungary Work Visa 2024 – Guide for Hungary

Hungary Work Visa 2024: Hungary has high standards for work and living, which is one of the many things that attracts expats to move there. There are many jobs to choose from, and getting a work or employment visa is easier than in many other Schengen countries. So, if you want to find work in Hungary, don’t miss this post about the Hungary Work Visa 2024.

In this post, I’ll try to explain everything you need to do to get a work visa for Hungary. So, your trip to look for work and see people will go better. Expats need an entry visa to officially enter Hungary, just like they do in every other country. Foreigners who are not from the Schengen area and want to work will need a work visa.

So, I’ll do my best to cover all the standards and things you need for the application process for a Hungary Work visa. I will also do my best to answer all of your most-asked questions. Please read the whole piece so that you don’t miss anything important.

Who needs a Work Visa for Hungary?

People from outside the European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) who want to work there must get a work visa. You can’t get into the country if you don’t have a ticket.


Who Doesn’t Require a Work Visa for Hungary?

People from countries in the EU/EEA don’t need a Hungary Work Visa. But if you plan to stay in Hungary for a long time, you will need to apply for a residence pass. This is true for both EU/EEA citizens and people from outside the EU/EEA.

Why do we Need a Residence Permit?

You need to get a residence pass for the following reasons:

  • For the purpose of Seasonal Employment
  • For the pursuit of Gainful Activity
  • For Employment
  • For Professional Workers

Hungary Work Visa Types

There are a few kinds of Work Visas that are given out based on what the international candidate wants to do. If you meet the requirements, you can get any of the following:

  • FOR WORK: The most common type of Hungary work visa is given to people from outside of Hungary who have a job offer from a company or boss in Hungary.
  • For PRIVATE BUSINESS: If you have a private, legal business in Hungary, you can get a visa and work as a self-employed worker who helps both countries.
  • FOR SEASONAL WORK: The seasonal work visa is for people who want to work for a certain amount of time or a season. With this visa, you can stay in Hungary and move around easily.
  • Professional workers can get a Hungary EU Blue Card, which lets them live and work in Hungary. But to get this visa, you have to be a professional or have a lot of experience in your area.

Hungary Work Visa 2024 Requirements

You will finish the application process for a Work Visa by sending in the following papers;

  • A passport that is still good and has at least two blank pages.
  • Form to fill out.
  • Two printed photos the size of a passport.
  • Medical insurance proof (with proof that you have at least EUR 30,000 to pay for your insurance).
  • Proof of living there.
  • Bank account showing that you have enough money to live in Hungary.
  • Your income is written down in a contract with your company.
  • The registration certificate for a company (VOEN) (if you work for yourself)
  • From the Ministry of Tax of AR, a list of the taxes paid in the last six months

How to apply?

  • Get a job offer, apply for as many jobs as you can, and if you get one, you can apply for a work permit in Hungary.
  • Fill out the type of application form that fits the job you want.
  • Fill out all the papers.
  • Give the tool a try. Make sure you fill out all the fields that must be filled out.
  • Send all the paperwork to the nearest Hungarian embassy or consulate in your country.
  • Now, just wait for the answer. You’ll get an email telling you how your visa application is going.

People Also Ask

  • What is the processing time for a Hungary work visa?

    Most of the time, it takes up to three months or longer for the Migration Department of Hungary to process your application. Once accepted, you’ll need to give the resolution details about the employer, the job’s purpose, the work activities, the job description, the workplace, and the terms of employment.

  • What is the Procedure for arriving in Hungary?

    The steps of the arrival procedure can be put up as follows:
    You must sign up at the Regional Directorate of the region within three days of getting to Hungary. You must also give a place reference.
    When you sign up, you’ll get a residence card that will let you move around the country easily.
    After that, you can pay to get a health insurance card (called a “TAJ Card”) from any local health authority near where you live.
    Also, every time your contract with a company ends, you must tell the immigration office and register for a new job right away.

Olivia Robe

Olivia Robe is a seasoned expert in the field of career development, always ready to provide her invaluable expertise to newcomers and students alike. With a master's degree in career counseling, Olivia has honed her skills and knowledge to guide individuals towards a path of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. Her dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of career choices makes her a trusted resource in the realm of career making.

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