Foreign Jobs

Unskilled Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners 2024

Discover Unskilled Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners: Explore career opportunities, visas, and adapting to Scottish work culture. Scotland is an island country in the very north of Europe. The country is known for having high humidity because it rains a lot and doesn’t get much sunshine. It is a lovely country with mountains and hills for tourists to enjoy.

Some Irish people and people from the European Union, the European Economic Area, and Switzerland can visit the country without a visa and stay for up to six months because it is one of the four parts of the United Kingdom. No matter what, they will need one if they plan to stay in the country for a long time. Different types of visas are needed for people from other countries to enter the country.

This post is mostly about low-skilled jobs in Scotland that outsiders can do. But let’s talk about what an untrained job is before we look at the list of jobs in Scotland that foreigners can do.

What is an Unskilled Job?

A job that doesn’t require a lot of skill or training is called “unskilled.” Someone who does a job that doesn’t require a lot of skill is called an unskilled worker. They are ready as needed and don’t need much or any training. Most of the time, these are temporary jobs that don’t offer much training or room for growth.


Opportunities for Career Growth

The chance for growth is one of the main reasons to look for basic work in Scotland. A lot of low-skilled jobs are stepping stones to higher places within companies. As you work hard and gain experience, you may find that you move up the job ladder faster than you thought possible.

Diverse Work Environments

Scotland’s unskilled job market includes jobs in retail and customer service, farmland and farming, and hospitality and tourism. Because of this, you should be able to find a job that fits your skills and hobbies.

Benefits of Unskilled Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners:

  • Opportunities for Employment: Scotland offers a broad work market that includes unskilled positions in a variety of industries such as hospitality, agriculture, construction, and healthcare. Foreign immigrants may find employment as farm laborers, cleaners, culinary staff, or construction laborers.
  • Fair Wages: In general, Scotland pays a fair rate for unskilled labor positions, frequently surpassing or above minimum wage laws. This can provide a good living wage and meet one’s living expenditures.
  • Legal Work Status: Obtaining a valid work visa or permit allows foreigners to work lawfully in Scotland, alleviating concerns about working illegally.
  • Social Benefits: Social benefits are available to all workers in Scotland, including foreigners, including healthcare through the National Health Service (NHS), paid leave, and unemployment payments. These benefits provide a safety net in the event of an emergency.
  • Worker Protections: Scotland has strong labor laws that protect workers’ rights, especially those of foreigners. Working hours, overtime pay, paid leave, and workplace safety are all covered by these rules.
  • Path to Permanent Residency: While unskilled workers may first enter Scotland on temporary visas, depending on individual circumstances and eligibility, there are avenues to long-term residency and, eventually, permanent residency or citizenship.
  • Quality of Life: Scotland is regarded as having a great quality of life, magnificent scenery, and a rich cultural past. Foreign workers can enjoy a good standard of living while learning about the distinctive Scottish culture.
  • Language growth: Working in Scotland can provide opportunities for non-English speakers to improve their English language skills, which can be beneficial for personal growth and future job opportunities.
  • Cultural Experience: Living and working in Scotland allows foreigners to become immersed in Scottish culture, traditions, and local communities.
  • Networking and Connections: Working in Scotland can provide possibilities to create a network of colleagues and connections, which may be useful for future professional opportunities or personal improvement.

Unskilled Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners

These people are mostly from outside of Scotland and are there on short visas. To make ends meet, they will need to work temporary jobs. For foreigners, low-skilled work is generally the best option. Here are some examples of low-skilled jobs that outsiders can get in Scotland:

Transport driver

Transport drivers are very important for getting people to different places, and many different transportation companies hire them. They keep the cars clean, plan trips based on traffic and weather, take care of payments, and give advice about the area.

Scotland also has a strong transportation system that supports the work of almost 360,000 businesses. 45% of the businesses that have joined this landscape are in one of the six growth areas below. Gross value added (GVA) numbers also show that the following areas made important contributions to the economy in 2014:

  • Food and beverages: £5.3 billion
  • £3.7 billion in the creative industries
  • £3.7 billion for sustainable tourism
  • Energy costs £17 billion.
  • £1.2 billion for life sciences

Transport drivers usually make £12.52 an hour, while delivery drivers make £11.56 an hour and truck drivers in Scotland can make up to £14.29 an hour.

Food production worker

People who work in food production help make meals in places like hospitals, schools, restaurants, and more. The quality of the food, how it is stored, and keeping the kitchen clean are all their jobs.

Scotland’s food and drink industry is strong, with everything from small businesses to big international brands. It’s an important part of the economy. In 2022, exports went up by 31%, showing that the economy was recovering from the pandemic and Brexit.

This business makes 3.4 billion pounds a year and employs 48,000 people. It also makes up 27% of the value added to manufacturing. It is a driving force, making up 33% of all industry in Scotland. It has 1,285 businesses and a turnover of £10.3 billion. SMEs make up 95% of all businesses, which shows how quickly the industry has grown. It costs about £10.90 an hour to work in a plant in Scotland.

Security guard

Security guards are very important for keeping people and goods safe. They walk around the area, use monitoring equipment, control who can come in and out, and keep records of what happened.

The security sector is very important for lowering crime, bad behavior, and terrorism because it adapts to new laws and technologies. Working with government agencies, private security companies keep places like workplaces, offices, and public events safe.

With 35,000 workers and direct sales of about £500 million, Scotland’s security industry makes a big difference. The Security Industry Authority (SIA) licenses and trains professionals through apprenticeships and classes in areas like security guarding, events, and CCTV operations. The goal is to improve skills and keep workers in the field. $10.32 is the average hourly wage.

Construction worker

Scotland needs about 4,000 more building workers every year, but people don’t want to work there because of outdated ideas. Because of misconceptions about money and physicality, only 25% support jobs in construction. It takes 231,000 people to work in this field, so by 2027, 3,910 more will be needed every year.

11% of Scotland’s GDP comes from this business, which makes £2.94 for every £1 spent. It includes many sub-sectors and is very important to Scotland’s net-zero goals. A building worker in Scotland makes an average of £25,054 a year.

Sales representatives

Salespeople use their speaking skills to market and sell goods and services, making sure that solutions are tailored to each customer’s needs. Their customer base grows through advertising, selling things, and following up with leads in person, online, and over the phone.

It is well known that Scottish Enterprise helps bold businesses grow through innovation, investment, and internationalization. They also work to change the economy by working with other businesses. In Scotland, sales agents make an average of £24,270 a year.

Read Also: Cleaner Jobs in Scotland with Visa Sponsorship 

Requirements for Securing Unskilled Jobs in Scotland for Foreigners

Depending on your country, the first thing you need is a ticket. This lets you properly live and work in Scotland. Employers will be able to see this as proof that you are legally allowed to work in the country. Second, you would have to sign up with the NHS, which is the country’s health insurance.

Besides what was already said, you would also need these things to live and open a bank account:

National Insurance Number (NIN) for the UK

You need to get a National Insurance Number (NIN) before you can officially work in Scotland. For proper tax and contribution reporting, you need this one-of-a-kind ID. To get a National Insurance Number (NIN), call the application line. It is important to know that you need a UK address to get a NIN card. Plan to move to a place where you can get your documents and permanent NIN card before you apply.

Means of Identification for Bank Account and NIN Applications

People from the EU can open a bank account and get a NIN with their ID to work in Scotland. Before you can get your NIN, if you are moving to Scotland from outside the EU, you will need a work visa to show that you are allowed to work there. A “working holiday visa” or “gap year visa,” which is good for 24 months, is a good choice for young people.

Get ready for your job search in Scotland by making sure all of your information is in order. The steps above will help you have a good job experience in Scotland, whether you are an EU citizen using your ID or a non-EU citizen looking for a working holiday visa.

Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Even though the job doesn’t require any special skills or abilities, having a CV makes it more likely that you’ll get it. For some of these low-skilled jobs, on the other hand, you need to have worked before and had some training. You can put all of these things on a resume. Send us your CV by calling Fasthire. It will help you get the job faster.

Websites to Find Unskilled Jobs in Scotland For Foreigners:


In conclusion, low-skilled jobs in Scotland not only give people access to a strong and varied job market but also let people experience the unique culture and way of life in Scotland. Even though there may be problems along the way, the chances to grow and the beautiful scenery make it worth it.

  1. What are the common unskilled jobs for foreigners in Scotland?

    Jobs in customer service, gardening, retail, and hospitality are all examples of common unskilled jobs.

  2. Is it easy for foreigners to find work in Scotland?

    While finding work as a foreigner can be competitive, many opportunities exist, especially in unskilled job sectors.

  3. Is it easy to get a job in Scotland as a foreigner?

    Scotland makes it fairly simple for foreigners to find work, no matter the type of job they apply for. Whether you plan to live and work in Scotland for a short or long time, there will be a wealth of job opportunities available to you.

Olivia Robe

Olivia Robe is a seasoned expert in the field of career development, always ready to provide her invaluable expertise to newcomers and students alike. With a master's degree in career counseling, Olivia has honed her skills and knowledge to guide individuals towards a path of success and fulfillment in their professional lives. Her dedication to helping others navigate the complexities of career choices makes her a trusted resource in the realm of career making.

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